Toribash Move School Wiki

1. Space
2. contract left knee
3. contract right knee
4. space

5. hold all (c)
6. extend left knee
7. extend right knee
8. contract left hip
9. extend right hip
10. contract abs
11. contract left pec
12. contract right pec
13. grab all (v)
14. contract right elbow
15. contract left elbow
16. contract neck
17. space

18. extend neck
19. space

20. lower left shoulder
21. lower right shoulder
22. extend left hip
23. extend left glute
24. space
25. extend abs
26. space

Despite its name, it takes 6 turns, but it tackles the opponent at turn 5.


Toribash Move Tutorial - 5 Turn Tackle

For those who don't understand, have double/blurry vision, or want a video tutorial, here's the video that will help you learn the famous, sacred, dark, secret 5-turn, or 6-turn, tackle.
